Back logs, back logs are haunting me. Been rather busy at work and had no time to post. New clients to attend to, new staff to train. During this downturn, I guess being busy is welcomed. I must say there are alot of mahjong fans around. I made these mahjong tiles once again for a lady. She left the tile selection entirely to me. I hope her mommy liked them. I had to use these plastic boxes as the machine broke down when I needed it most.
As suggested by Jane, I put the real tiles and edible tiles side by side.
To the person who sends me rude emails persistently about these mahjong tiles; I don't have to prove anything to you but for the sake of argument, I will. The above tiles are the proof that I do not use moulds to mould my tiles. Those moulds can only give you 十三么, not these flower cards. I do not use edible print outs either. Each and every one of them is handcrafted.
Having said my piece, it's back to work. Later.
Super Easy, Super Moist Chocolate Cupcakes
4 years ago
I admire your brilliant handwork. Ignore those who send you rude messages, they are not worth your time. Surround yourself with positive and nice people.
I found your website while googling for shio saba recipe. While edible mahjong tiles are no where close to grilled fish, I have to say, what an impressive creation! What are they made from, icing sugar or almond paste? It looks just like real mahjong tiles, trully impressive!
Hi rei,
these are as real as the real one! *applause*applause*
sometimes, some people gets jealous over other people's talents and achievement, and they made rude comments to put people down. I do pity them at times because of their ill manners, which they didn't know reflect badly on themselves ;-(
Rei, just ignore the sore thumb. You have done a great job.
wow.. this is my first time to see these mahjong tiles. That's really something new to me! I don't know about mahjong but I'm sure those people who are playing it will find it's great!
I'm speechless.. you are good, really really good in your crafts!
Hi Rei,
One should not take other ppl comment seriously. For us we find joy and sense of achievement making some nice looking cake. So head care about what other ppl think. I think your Chinese Calligraphy is real good back in school days. Another cheer for you!
You are really super lor. Well done!!
PS: Aiyo who so bo liao??
omg... you are really unbelievable!!!! i totally can't tell which are the edible ones and which ar not!!! o.O
kudos to you man!!! if you ever conduct decorating classes i wanna attend!!!
Oh, can't imagine anyone would say u used a mould, how silly !! U did a great job, I couldn't tell the diff !
Hi Rei,
Your mahjong cupcake look great , I really admire your skill and talent. I'll be behind you and jia you. Take Care.
Wow! these handmade edible "majong" looks so real. You r really talented and skilful.
Hi Rei, very impressed on these tiles and I've already expressed my amazement on KC. Sorry to read that someone has sent u the rude emails and you are right, you don't need to prove anything to anyone! These are 'small-minded' people who are probably jealous of your talent!
Great job and I would like to try this soon using the mould I have and I am sure will not even be 1/2 as good as yours!
Keep up your good work and spirit, and don't let small minded people tell you otherwise!
Cheers, Cindy
Woh, My mom sure will like this, my mil too, they are mahjong kaki
amaaaazing! i must order some next time i go to singapore. what r they made of again?
as for rude comments, just ignore them. it's ur blog.
Rei, I think these have become your signature cuppies already! Very well done once again!
To that rude person who can't do it, you're really pathetic!
And I second Katherine's suggestion. If you ever open a class on deco (ok, I know you're super busy), please, please, please sms me in case I miss the online world.
Take care and look forward to your next post. :)
Thanks for all your support. I am not too bothered by the comments initially but they just got nastier when I ignored them.
Ernie : They are made of Marshmallow fondant.
Kitchen Corner : You have a lovely blog! Nice bakes especially your chiffon cakes.
Nice tiles that you had made.. They are really pretty. :)
Hi rei,
I know you already have many many supporters, but can I still join the crowd?
You are talented in your own ways, and I look up to you for churning out so many amzing creations despite your busy work & kids!
Way to go!
Arashigoldenboy : Thanks! Look forward to more of your baking posts.
Cookies : Thank you! Kudos to you too, baking eggless versions.
Excellent work, Rei ! If you only show these edible tiles, I will say they are real tiles. Don't bother rude messages, what true is true. Cheer up !
Chumpman : Thank You!
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