It's back to the basics for this cake. This must be the first cake I've ever made. I got to learn this cake during Home Economics lesson. I forgot what was taught but remembered this as a very basic, failproof recipe. However, that was the only time I baked it and never re-visited. Not sure why but I think I got grossly distracted but so many other cake recipes.
So when Sweet & Simple Bakes suggested baking this cake, I tried to find time for it. To be honest,I have had quite enough of cakes in the month of August. There is a cake almost every week. I had a hard time searching whatever is left of my waistline. *sob sob~* I procrastinated till the last minute. Also for this bake-out, I reduced the recipe to fit a 3 inch pan. As usual, I reduced the amount of sugar and butter. Here's what I did.
Victoria Sandwich Cake
40g Butter
30g Fine Sugar
1 Egg, lightly beaten
2 Oz Self Raising Flour
For The Filling
1-1/2 Tbsp Apricot Jam
1 Tsp caster sugar
Some Whipped Cream
1) Grease a 3 inch pan and preheat the oven to 180°C.
2) In a bowl, using a whisk to cream the butter and sugar together till light and fluffy. Add the beaten egg, a teaspoon at a time, whisk till incorporated.
3) Fold in flour with a spatula. Pour batter into pan and bake for 15 minutes or till skewer comes clean. Remove to cool on cooling grid.
4) When cooled, slice the cake into half horizontally. Spread jam and whipped cream and sandwich the cakes together. Dust icing sugar on top.
Because of its simplicity and ease of preparation, I came to understand why it is being taught at Home Economics class now. As more and more cake recipes are being created, some came to stay, some gone and forgotten. Some may not impress you, some you'd love to death. However, timeless and classic recipes will always have a place in your heart. In this case, your tummy.
*Update : Please see here for more fabulous bakes!
Super Easy, Super Moist Chocolate Cupcakes
4 years ago
Rei your cake looks amazing!! Many thanks for partaking in S&SB monthly bake :)
Rosie x
I love Victoria sandwich cake!!
I miss your Bento posts. I think yours is the most practical and always look so delicious. Do you still pack bento to work? If you do, please post them....!
Have a good day.
hey rei, such a cute cake! small one, not so much damage to the waistline :P
Your cake looks cute and yummy! Everyone here loves the cake. well done!
Great Looking Cake...:-)
Rei your cake looks great!
Thanks for taking part and hope you will join us next month!
Rosie : No, I should thank you. I wouldn't have revisited it without the prompt. Ahah.
Bento Pet : Yes, I'm still packing them. I should find some time to post. The pics are getting dusty. :p
Yuri : Have to weight watch. I put on some kilos this month. :p
lilmizlynn : Yours looks great too!
amu : Yours is lovely..
Maria : I hope so too~
hi rei
great looking cake and yummy too I must say :-)
Hi Rei, your cake looks delicious! :)
Hi Rei,
Good things do come in small package, indeed! YumYum :-) I am more than happy to help reduce the extra inch on waist by chomping it for you *grin*
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