... And thank you if you are still reading this. I've been experiencing a little fatigue these couple of months. Recently, I have been boring you with cakes. I have baking cakes week in and week out. Not that I have lost my interest in baking or decorating but I have lost my direction in blogging. I cooked, I baked but most times, just too tired to take pictures. Partly because fearing they might ended up in the draft box like, forever.
During this break, I took time to prepare Ah Girl for Primary 1. More than ever, I realised that I had been too lax with her. Her handwriting is atrocious, especially for her Chinese. That also made me feel rather guilty. I didn't spend enought time with her to correct her handwriting.
Ah Girl's graduation day. She performed in one of the skits.
I took time off to accompany her on the first and second day of school. Everything was a breeze except for a hiccup from the transport company. She was being assigned to the wrong bus. From a supposedly half an hour ride, turned into a near 2 and a half hour journey. I had to sit at the drop off point, worried sick and not knowing when she would reach home as the driver couldn't give me a confirmed time. Call it being Singaporean or whatever, I called up and gave them a piece of my mind. Honestly speaking, if she were to take public transport, it would probably take 10 to 15 minutes to reach home. I thought the arrangement would be more convenient for Ah Girl and my helper. I was quite surprised when Ah Girl reached home without tears. I must say I was rather proud when she said she wasn't afraid, just bored nd hungry. Perhaps she is more independent than I would like to admit. By the time she had her meal, it was close to 4 p.m. She asked if it was her lunch or dinner. Hah.
The only thing I am worried about is her spending too much at the bookshop and being talkative in class. Thus I wondered if she was made monitoress because of her constant chattering.
At the same time Ah Boy fell sick, recovered and fell sick again over the weekend. He is getting used to Ah Girl's new routine and will ask where is Ah Girl when he wakes up. He used to follow Ah Girl to the Kindergarten but she now has to go off at 6.15 a.m. This is his cheeky self. His favourite TV shows are Pingu, Bob the Builder, Barney, Hi 5 and of course Thomas Tank Engine. Favourite song? 'Happy Birthday'. He comes in really handy at birthday parties.
This is his not-so-cheeky self. I noticed his hidden double eye-lids will appear when he is unwell. If that is really the case, I'd rather they remain hidden forever.
I enjoyed the company of my kids while slowing down. I think I have been doing too many things at the same time. Finally, I had time to sit down and read. Finished 4 books to be exact. Found time to revisit beading and unfortunately, discovered jewellery making. Argh.
Super Easy, Super Moist Chocolate Cupcakes
4 years ago
Hi Rei, it's always so nice and endearing to read your post. I too have a boy and girl but they are much older now. I fully understand what you are going through as I went through the stage of them being in P1! Our kids are more resilient and adaptable than we think they are. We are mothers afterall, and definitely will worry about them. Love reading your blog and I definitely think you are a very good baker despite not being professionally trained, especially love those mahjong tiles! I have followed yr blog for a long time but only drop you a note every now and then. I really think you are a great lady and can sense the love you have for your kids! Keep up your great work and I always look forward to your updates whenever you have time. Take care, Lilee
Rei it is so good to hear that you are taking a step back. At least to finish up your books.
Don't get so caught up that we miss our children growing up years.
I am proud of Ah Girl too. Guess Kae and her are very independent.
Welcome back! Hope to see more bakes from you :)
So sorry to hear about your girl's "bus adventure". But luckily she took it quite well. She deserves a pat on her back.
My girl was in P1 last year and she was also made the monitress. I also wonder if it was because she was too talkative in class, thus teacher gaver her this task. Anyway, she was stripped off the title after 3 days hahaha!
welcome back! Good to hear that you are doing well.
Go take your time with blogging... we will always be here waiting!
Its May here...Just wanna tell you that your kids r soooo cute....
Rei, Melody is P6 this year. Her handwritting is just as bad. More like scribbling here and there. She looses marks due to this. P6 is an important year of exams for her..cannot loose marks.! Its so fast that ah Girl goes to P1. I love to see your Ah Boy's sleeping pose. Coz almost everytime you bring him to see me, he's half awake or in dreamland or wants to sleep liao.
Lovely kids, rei. don;t worry too much. sometimes we do worry and fuss unecessarily over our kids. esp singaporeans :D (my sil came for christmas n mom reported tt she 'disinfects' the floor everyday).
i've noticed tt my kids too hav double eyelids when they hav a fever. i wonder if it;s bc fevers cause tt double eyelid muscle to contract.
Welcome back! I think I'm also losing my blogging direction like you. Time flies, didn't realise your kids are so big now, I still thought they were 2-4 yrs old. You'll probably need to spend much more time to supervise your girl now that she's in Pri school. Don't ended up like me, discovering it too late. And good luck on your new "discovery". Hope it's not taking up too much of your time.
gong xi fa cai to you and family!
happy new year
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