Thanks to Sue and Edith, I got to do these 2 tags on such a special day, 02/29. うれしい~~ ^_^ Here I am, sitting in the office 'eating snake' early in the morning. Eheheh..
Tag : Pass It To The Front
Here are the rules:
* First copy and paste it.
* Do not remove any content.
* Just add One word related to your blogs.
* If you don’t like the concept Pls! say no?
* Our main goal is we are going to circulate our number of friends.
* The more people join the “pass it to the front” the more links we generate.
* Lastly write only one word “short” for your blogs.
* Keep it simple and short, I know some of you have more than one blogs.
* The color is only black, gray, or white plssss avoid using any color okies.
Let me show you:1.Filipina, 2.Darling allen, 3.Abroad, 4.Halfway,, 6.culture, 7.interracial, 8.pinaystories, 9.pinaysinglelooking, 11.Miscellaneous 12. Children 13. my experience 15. milestones 16. Home 17. shopping18. wonderland 19. memories 20. bliss 21. awesome 22. japanese
I'll pass it to :
Small Small Baker
Pure Enjoyment
Baking Mum
Another 1 to go.
MeMe Survey
1. Name one person who made you laugh last night?
My children.
2. What were you doing at 0800?
On my way to work.
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Doing the above tag.
4. What happened to you in 2006?
Hmmm... can't remember.
5. What was the last thing you said out loud?
The F word.
6. How many beverages did you have today?
1 Teh C and 2 glasses of water.
7. What color is your hairbrush?
8. What was the last thing you paid for?
Teh C.
9. Where were you last night?
At home.
10. What color is your front door?
11. Where do you keep your change?
12. What’s the weather like today?
13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor?
Rum and Raisins.
14. What excites you?
Meeting new friends and catching up with the old.
15. Do you want to cut your hair?
16. Are you over the age of 25?
It's kinda impolite to ask a woman's age, don't you think? But if you must know, yeah..
17. Do you talk a lot?
Probably, only with those I can 'click' with.
18. Do you watch the O.C.?
Not at all.
19. Do you know anyone named Steven?
Yup, I think I know 1 too many.
20. Do you make up your own words?
21. Are you a jealous person?
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’.
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K’.
24. Who’s the first person on your received call list?
My daughter.
25. What does the last text message you received say?
The friendship week thingy.
26. Do you chew on your straw?
When I'm bored.
27. Do you have curly hair?
Yes, slight.
28. Where’s the next place you’re going to?
Toilet?.. ahah..
29. Who’s the rudest person in your life?
Not bothered by them as they are of no significance to me.
30. What was the last thing you ate?
An apple.
31. Will you get married in the future?
I hope not.
32. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks?
Erm.. Japanese drama considered?
33. Is there anyone you like right now?
My children.
34. When was the last time you did the dishes?
2 hours+ ago.
35. Are you currently depressed?
Nope, getting depressed doesn't change ANYTHING.
36. Did you cry today?
37. Why did you answer and post this?
Erm.. Coz today is 02/29, happens only once in every 4 years? XD
38. Tag 5 people who would do this survey.
I shall pass this to :
East Meet West Kitchen
Cook Bake Legacy
She Bakes N Cooks
Let's Get Wokking
Yuri's Bake Journal
Super Easy, Super Moist Chocolate Cupcakes
4 years ago
Hi Rei Rei,
Thanks for tagging me... errm.. what shud i do next? Sorry damn blur! Hahaha... thanks:P
Hi Halimah,
Heheh.. You'll need to link the person who passed the tag to you (which is me). Then just cut and paste the questions and fill in your own answers. If you would like to pass it on, tag the other bloggers and inform them on their blog.
Hi Rei
Thanks for visiting my blog and tagging moi :-)
This meme very long LOL It'll take me sometime to do it.Actually I very scared to do meme cos' sometimes I don't know what to answer leh. I'm just a simple SAHM with very ordinary needs and taste LOL
Thanks rei for your tag!
Thanks for your tag, Rei! Btw, share the pix of your cornflake crisps on KC. Is the recipe somewhere on KC too?
Chawanmushi, my pleasure. No worries, take your time. :)
kwf, no worries. :)
yuri, yup, the recipe is in KC, under 'Easy Finger food' i think. :)
Hi Rei!
Thanks for visiting my blog and reminding me! I love your dh! It's good to see again you here, and thanks for the tag. But I've done this one before leh. :)
Hi rei, thanks for tagging me!
Hi Vi, no worries. Love my dh? I think you meant dd lah.. ahahaha.. :D
Hi small baker, you're welcome. :)
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